Larry Campbell - Drugs & Addiction in Canada

Larry is currently a senator of Canada, and is well known as the former mayor of Vancouver. Before then he was chief coroner in B.C. and on the drug squad for the RCMP. 

While mayor of Vancouver Larry was a vocal advocate of drug policy reform, and helped create programs centered around harm reduction practices such as needle exchanges for drug users. 

We talk about the coming changes to the illegality of marijuana in Canada, and more. 

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Neil Woods - Undercover Cop Fights Drug War

Neil infiltrated Drug Gangs as an Undercover Operative in the UK for 14 years. He shares experiences posing as an Addict and taking down major dealers, and why he's now switched sides in this War on Drugs.

He spent 23 years total in the UK police force. He is now the chair for LEAP UK, which stands for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Neil is open about how difficult it was to come to terms with how little good he actually did for his communities by going after these drug kingpins. He is also open about how coming to this realization contributed to his PTSD. 

Find Neil and others like him at LEAP UK

Check out Neil's book Good Cop, Bad War

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Kilindi Iyi - High Doses of the Magic Mushroom & Human Evolution

Kilindi joins me once again to talk high-dose psilocybin mushrooms. We discuss the comments people had after our first podcast together, as well as lots of new territory. 

Other subjects covered include Kilindi's experience in isolation tanks, fasting for 40 days at a time, and meditation. He expresses how, in his view, these other disciplines just don't truly compare to high dose experiences with psychedelics, especially mushrooms. 

Contact Kilindi at to get a hold of the DVD from his Detroit psychedelic conference

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